DIY -PiBOX India – Pi4 Case – Glossy to Brushed Metal – 30 seconds

Raspberry PI 4 Brushed Metal Case

You can convert your PiBOX India case from Glossy to Brushed metal in 30 seconds. Just follow the instructions and we got you covered if there are any issues! Share a photo of your case after process for an Assured gift-card !!! Simply share your photo via whatsapp at +918072238441 The PiBOX India Pi4 case […]

Raspberry PI 4 Fan Install (Dual Speed)

PiBOX India – Raspberry PI Fan Case can perform at two speeds as it comes with split connectors- 8000 RPM and 6500 RPM – Buy here:- Installation Steps for Black case follow below steps: Note:-Raspberry PI4- Needs strong cooling for the best performance and the noise level depends on the RPM and choose the […]